Have you ever considered having a pet rat or wondered what it would be like? I speak with Savanna, rattie parent. Do you agree with everything she says or do you have a better way to do things with your babies?
This is an old episode from my first podcast, Stolen Our Hearts. You will find some obituaries on https://www.stolenourhearts.com for Savanna's rats. She has others now. Also on the website you'll find links to the Facebook page, Instagram, Tiktok and my other podcast which is about ferrets, Ferret Paradigm.
Wow, this episode has some really interesting gems. I speak with Billie Dean of A Place of Peace Sanctuary here in Australia. She has...
Nova, age 11, talks with me extensively about horses and goats, and also pigs, donkeys and more. She is a font of knowledge and...
I tell you a little about Raptor Domain that I went to while I was on honeymoon and chat with my friend Robyn about...